Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hello and Welcome!

Hello, and Welcome to the PMM3 blog! We are students of Mechanical Engineering at IIT Madras, and we thought it'd be a nice idea to have a blog about interesting stuff in Mechanical Engineering.

We were searching around lots for a name, and finally hit on PMM3 - The Perpetual Motion Machine of the Third kind - <corny alert> The one that violates the principle of mental inertia! </corny alert>

We're planning to have all kinds of articles: theoretical, practical, historical, DIYs , all related to Mechanical Engineering, that have one common trait: they should evoke that lovely feeling you get when you understand how an intricate system works, or how suddenly a formula looks so beautiful after you understand what that extra term meant, or even the sheer joy of knowing something entirely new.For the first few weeks, we will publish the articles ourselves, so that _we_ get to know clearly what the blog should stand for, and soon we'll solicit articles from all of
our readers.

We hope one day PMM3 will be on every Engineer's fingers, as Slashdot is on every geek's ;) We'll be back with our first article soon, and until then,take care!